There are many forms of marketing. Some of them might cost money, while others are completely free. One method that is still working to this day is email marketing. You can automate it if you want, but make sure it’s not too automated. With email blasts, you...
Email marketing is far from dead. In fact, it is very cost effective and profitable. Email marketing campaigns yield higher returns on investment and conversion rates than other forms of marketing. Email also improves brand awareness and draws traffic to a website....
The difference between an email campaign and an email blast is longevity. A blast has no follow-up. It’s a one-off that might be used, for example, to announce a flash sale or report a news event. In contrast, drip email campaigns feed multiple messages over...
Email is the most powerful marketing channel available. Much of this is thanks to its tremendous reach, with the number of worldwide email accounts numbering in the billions. Emails are delivered to subscribers who want to hear from you. Data shows that email has high...
Email marketing is still very important in 2021 even though it’s not typically at the forefront of a marketer’s mind. Social media marketing has become much more popular over the last half decade or so, but about 77% of people have said they prefer to get...
Approximately 2.5 billion people in the world use email, making email marketing a very powerful way to connect with people. Research shows that email marketing is more effective than social media for converting people into members, customers and supporters. It is also...