Website design is one of the most important aspects of a business and it can help make your business profitable as well. There are many things that go into designing a website and one of the most important aspects is making it easy for a user to navigate the site. You...
Nowadays, contacting customer service can be a tedious process. Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, we now have chatbots that are able to mitigate some of the stress of customer service. Chatbots are AI that are able to be trained to answer customer...
Using social media as a means for a marketing plan is not an option anymore. It’s required. Many people are now using social media platforms for their daily online use. When you use social media for marketing, you can target your audience specifically. You also...
Using a chatbot for your marketing is a good idea. AI is becoming more and more powerful and using these tools for marketing is a good way to get better results. There are some issues you may run across as some people may think that it can be too aggressive and too...
Using a SEO is now becoming a necessary part of any digital marketing plan. When you use a SEO you are setting yourself up to be seen by more people who are searching for your type of business. Local SEOs can be even more important as a small business because word...