6 ways to boost organic video results – Search Engine Land

Video is an incredibly important medium for consumer outreach, given that by 2019 it may account for 80 percent of consumer internet traffic. It’s crucial that you thoroughly understand your video library by making smart use of metrics from YouTube and Google, and...

Top Website Design Trends For 2019 – Technotification

As the internet becomes more accessible across various tech designs and devices, as well as those devices becoming more affordable and necessary to conduct business, website design so too must adapt. There are a few things that are key to remember in order to get a...

Five Online Marketing Strategies For Law Firms – Forbes

There are a ton of law firms out there that need to start using online marketing. The world is very reliant on social media platforms. It is free advertising and the truth of it is that most young people are on social media. Therefore, for law firms, it makes a lot of...