Video marketing has become a very important part of marketing. But even companies who utilize it, don’t always use it as well as they should. Customers like video marketing, which means that it’s going to be around. They like it because it requires less...
In today’s digital economy, businesses and brands are searching for ways to connect with potential customers. One way to do this is through the use of video content, as 87% of businesses are already using some sort of video marketing program. Not only does it...
Video content has become tremendously important in marketing, especially on social media. Video is useful in reaching members of Generation Z, who spend an average of nearly 3.5 hours a day watching online videos. Furthermore, video provides a great way to tell a...
The use of video marketing for your business can make a significant difference in your brand awareness and help engage your audience. Video marketing can be used in many digital channels and help engage not only new clients, but existing contacts as well. By providing...
There are many different reasons why video marketing is so important when it comes to social media. One of the most important reasons is that videos help capture a users attention right away. When someone clicks on a video, they can get lost in the story. Videos also...
When you start out with video marketing, you should know that it is one of the most important things to have in your marketing plan. More and more people are wanting to see video content when they are given a choice. You can add personality and make it personable to...