LinkedIn advertisements can be a bit costly so we want to do everything we can to make sure we are generating quality leads. We use the LinkedIn Lead Gen Form so that instead of having a cumbersome landing page we can instead allow LinkedIn to auto fill the customers information. They can click submit and be directed immediately to the next closest step for making a purchase. We want to set our budget and make sure our audience is going to be interested in the product we are selling.

Key Takeaways:

  • Select your target audience based on the skills you want them to have, and be sure the audience size is not too large.
  • You can choose many different options for your ad in terms of format, budget, and schedule.
  • Unlike Facebook, which has a rule limiting text in your ad image to 20 percent, your LinkedIn ad image can include as much text as you wish.

“In this article, you’ll learn how to set up and use a lead generation form in a Sponsored Content ad campaign on LinkedIn.”

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