During this time, businesses are taking a hit because they are all closed and no money is coming. Small businesses usually feel this the most because they don’t have a lot of back up plans to help them navigate through the difficult times of having to remain closed. This is even more true for solopreneurs. They are having a much harder time right now, but you can help yourself if you are one, by making sure you keep up with marketing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recessions like the one caused by the coronavirus are especially hard on small businesses and solopreneurs.
  • You should continue your marketing during this time, and even increase it if possible.
  • Bring your content online if you can, and identify needs that you can serve right now.

“Many businesses that rely on traditional sources of revenue are not able to stay open.”

Read more: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/349667
