Before digging in to your marketing, you should be thinking about who you are marketing to, who needs your product, and who you want to buy your product. Think about the theme and colors you want to put forth; consider every action as branding your product. You need to consider how you plan to market to people, whether via email, videos, or social media. Ask yourself why a customer needs your product and who you are competing against. You will want to figure out how to build a campaign to get noticed. You will want to monitor your results to determine what is working and consider expanding your team with your new marketing plan.

Key Takeaways:

  • One should know a number of things before creating an effective marketing plan because it needs commitment, time and knowledge and without this, it can go wrong.
  • Before one starts anything, even in marketing, he should have a clear picture of the demographics or audience to whom he is targeting.
  • Your marketing plan should emphasis your theme which include your signature, colors and patterns, and the plan should try to create the brand in the minds of the audience.

“Creating an effective marketing plan can be seriously difficult, regardless if you are a big or small business.”

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