There are a few simple ways to increase your sales. For one, try contacting your customers. Reach out to them and keep them coming back for more! Try utilizing pre-payment plans or create bundles to get cash upfront. Another idea is to upsell services and never turn down a sale-always respond to inquiries from customers!

Key Takeaways:

  • One way to ensure a continued revenue stream from customers is to proactively keep in touch with them, seeing if they need to schedule services, or offering fresh services, or deals.
  • Pre-payment plans mean the money doesn’t have to be chased after on the part of the business and it means the customer has service options waiting to be used.
  • Mine existing customers for revenue with upsell options and don’t fail to follow up inquiries from potential new customers.

“Being proactive with your existing customers can lead to a significant uptick in revenue and be helpful to managing your clients’ time in the process.”
