by Sandy | Sep 8, 2016 | Commentary
The author is providing useful information in regards to how companies can not let technology over power or alleviate the human aspect of things and lists details of the top 5 suggestions from Brian Solis, who is a principal analyst at Altimeter Group. The writer...
by Sandy | Sep 8, 2016 | News
Millennials are some of the most misunderstood people there are. Lots of people see them as lazy or selfish. But the reality they are not that different from most generations of people. They mostly act the same way that their elders acted when they were the age that...
by Sandy | Sep 8, 2016 | News
Penguin is a product from Google that is designed to help control spam on the Internet. While it started out as a great idea, it turns out that lately Google has not been updating the product as frequently as they should. In fact it has been almost two years since...
by Sandy | Sep 8, 2016 | Commentary
There are so many things in our world that kill our self confidence, it is easy with a few techniques to build that confidence back up. All you really need is visualization and affirmation to get started. Daily techniques like doing one thing a day that scares you and...