Reviews are very important factor in consumer decision making. Ninety three percent of consumers are known to check online reviews before making purchase decisions. And of those, 97% will use the reviews to assist in making their decisions. Consumers that read reviews are interested in everything down to the tiny details that people put into their reviews. Almost 80% of consumers put just as much emphasis on the reviews they read, as they do on recommendations from people they know.

Key Takeaways:

  • Word-of-mouth has always been important, but for most consumers today, online reviews are as credible as personal recommendations.
  • Displaying reviews on your site is beneficial, providing an 18% increase in sales on average.
  • Negative reviews are harmful, but customers will be skeptical if they see only favorable views.

“And research published by Fan & Fuel notes that consumers not only want to see reviews on your products and services but they also look for the nitty-gritty details in your customer reviews.”

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