With the Covid 19 pandemic, businesses have had many challenges with marketing and staying relevant to their customers. There are a few business owners who have taken it upon themselves to adapt and change right along with the world. They took their original business model and changed it into something else. Health and wellness have been a top priority during this time and because of that, it’s become a focus for many businesses. Offering delivery where they may not have before, and taking a sympathetic approach to the times that we are in.

Key Takeaways:

  • Businesses have been affected in multiple ways like with distribution and manufacturing.
  • You can change your business model to fit what is happening, like offering delivery.
  • Supporting your customers through this crucial time is imperative to staying relevant and successful.

“This development brought many entrepreneurs back to the planning table to find better ways to serve their customers.”

Read more: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/362749
