Cookie Policy Generator
Why Do I Need a Cookie Policy
Simply put it’s the law. The E.U. has had such laws in place for a number of years. They penalize a website owner with large fines if you are not disclosing how you use cookies on your site. California created such a law several years ago and as of Jan 1 of 2023 its being fully enforced. Four other states (Virginia, Colorado, Utah, and Connecticut) also have laws on the books that went into affect in 2023. A number of other states are either crafting such regulations or seriously contemplating them.
And even if you don’t operate a business in either the EU or one of the states, you may still be subject to such laws. If someone who lives in a country or state that has such regulations use your website, no matter where they may be at that time, and they stumble across your website and interact with it, then you can be held liable if you are not fully disclosing your cookies policy. At this point, we should specify that we are not attorneys and you should consult one if you have questions regarding your exposure.
To understand what they look like to your visitor, you probably were prompted on our site to accept or modify your cookie preferences when you landed on this page.
Want to Learn More? Check these links below.
Why Do I Need a Cookie Policy
California Privacy Protection Agency
Cookie Policies in Other US States
Does your website use cookies? While you may not be able to see cookies, as your webmaster, we can tell you that yes, it does. They are necessary for many basic functions of your website that you would not even expect. Its really difficult to manage a website properly without them. The good news is, we have a solution. And for a limited time, its heavily discounted!
Our Cookie Policy Generator Includes:
- Installation and configuration of a WordPress plugin to manage your cookie policy
- Track all cookie operations within your website and make sure they are shown to all visitors
- Keep track of visitors preferences and provide proof of acceptance if required
- Generate a cookies policy page and place as a link in the footer of your website
- Ongoing maintenance of your cookie policy generator to make sure your site stays in compliance.
Cost: $500 One Time Fee