When marketing matters, you must take things seriously and always keep up with the latest trends. And so, if the three marketing trends listed in this article are those you’ve yet to try, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon and see what you’re missing. These three hot marketing trends will change the way the world sees your business.
Key Takeaways:
- Influencer marketing is exploding, and there is no sign of it slowing down any time soon. My influencer agency receives inquiries from brands located all over the world on a daily basis, eager to learn how they can benefit from the hottest marketing trend.
- A video blog (vlog), and more specifically a daily vlog, allows you to build a large following of loyal brand supporters. Consumers love video content, and YouTube’s 1.5 billion logged-in monthly users watch more than one hour per day on mobile devices. The audience potential is obvious there, especially on mobile devices.
- Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, and they offer a great opportunity for you to connect with your target customer while they are commuting to work or exercising.
“Marketing is constantly evolving, and while things like email marketing and content marketing will continue to be viable strategies, there are some other, growing trends worth exploring right now.”