There are many ways to earn money. One of the many is freelancing, the road of freelancing may seem daunting at first, but don’t give up. It takes time to get yourself to a certain level, however, don’t be stereotyped and think that mastering anything is going to take a really, really long time. First, you need to deconstruct the skill and master them one step at a time, learning is the priority here. In the end, a good result will come.
Key Takeaways:
- Don’t kid yourself. You’re going to be awful at first. I had to write approximately a hundred horrible blogs before I wrote a respectable one. It takes time and patience to learn a new skill. There’s no escaping this reality. Embrace it!
- It’s easy to give up when you don’t have a motivator. How will learning a marketable new skill benefit you? Maybe you’d like to quit your job, double your hourly rate, set your own work schedule, or any combination of those things.
- Running a business requires you to be good at sales, marketing, management, and negotiation (to name a few!). Freelancing is similar. It’s like “entrepreneurship with training wheels.” Freelancers aren’t taking as much of a risk, but they still need to know how to sell themselves.
“Don’t kid yourself. You’re going to be awful at first. I had to write approximately a hundred horrible blogs before I wrote a respectable one. It takes time and patience to learn a new skill. There’s no escaping this reality. Embrace it!”